The Knooks Project
Kids Need Outdoor Opportunities for Knowledge of Sustainability
Stories on the Move
Sharing our story. . .
Our communities, the ways we connect and build culture have always circled around the power of story. We once told and retold stories around the campfire, we now do the same thing digitally, first with family, then commnities personal, local and global.
Family Facebook
For a number of years I have created a closed group for my community of learners. Parents, and now grandparents, have a window into our world.
Connecting first to family is essential. We share our stories with the people who matter to us. Telling, and retelling stories of who we are, where we are from, and how we connect is how communities are built.
Padlet (formerly WallWisher) offers a private, personal connection to classrooms. It is an opportunity to grow our community.
Seeing the world through your own perspective, and then sharing it with another community of learners broadens our own perspectives, and creates opportunities for questions and comparisons to grow our own curiosity.
Getting Started
This Prezi presentation outlines connecting first to family, then to community, and finally to global communities.